Consumer Loans

  • Automobiles
    Loans for cars, trucks, or vans up to 6 years old.
  • Deposit Secured
    Loans for customers securing the loan with a Guardian Deposit Account-Savings or Certificate.
  • Signature Loan
    Loans for Guardian customers which have an established account for more than six months.

    Federal law provides important protections to members of the Armed Forces and their dependents relating to extensions of consumer credit. In general, the cost of consumer credit to a member of the Armed Forces and his or her dependent may not exceed an annual percentage rate of 36 percent. This rate must include, as applicable to the credit transaction or account: The costs associated with credit insurance premiums; fees for ancillary products sold in connection with the credit transaction; any application fee charged (other than certain application fees for specified credit transactions or accounts); and any participation fee charged (other than certain participation fees for a credit card account).

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